Type of fiscalization: Hardware/Software
New fiscal law in Slovakia, as a concept of online type of fiscalization, has been proposed and discussed during 2018. The newest proposal suggest that all retailers can comply with the new law from April 1st 2019, but must from 1st July 2019. If they have the obligation to register sales under the new law for the first time, they are required to use the e-kasa cashier client from April 1st 2019.
The new law regulation demands that all cash registers – both classic and virtual – be converted to new „online cash registers “(called „eKasa “cash registers) and connected with the tax authorities. In other words, all cash registers must have access to the Internet, enabling all transactions immediately to be transmitted to the financial administration and every issued receipt to be recorded in the central memory.
For more information, details, and all relevant documents about Fiscalization in Slovakia, check out our unique Online Fiscal Library.
March 10, 2020