Type of fiscalization: Hardware-based
Greece is one of the first fiscal countries, since 1988. Current fiscal law has been defined in 2012 with later amendments, and from 2020, the obligation to use QR code on receipts is in force. Relating to that, device upgrades are needed.
A fiscal device (fiscal printer or ECR) is obligatory. Fiscal devices that can be used include fiscal printers or ECR devices. They must be able to send fiscal data to the Tax server each time a receipt is issued. Data exchange with the Tax authorities is done in predefined timeframes during one fiscal day.
Furthermore, a fiscal device must have the ability to automatically synchronize the time with the time of the information system of Tax authorities.
For more information and details, and all other relevant documents about Fiscalization in Greece, check out our unique Online Fiscal Library.
May 9, 2022